Saturday, June 04, 2005

soggy freshman

i spent almost the whole day walking around this jungle called city, where not a few animals live and die at almost the same time.

there has been a recent demand for some calming devices inside my head because of my nearing entrance to the college world... and i thought this day is one of those. partly yes, partly no.

i went to my dreamed heaven and imagined hell--- up! first stop was palma hall. it was weird to see a lot of xientians there... as if it was doomed to be known that we are freshmen! freshmen---hell! i hate being one because they think we are stupid, innocent... and yes we are. this freshman thing is like the movie "grudge". it keeps on going because people wants to take revenge for those wasted minutesssss, embarrassing momentssssss and dreaded experiencesssss of being lost in the wild---wild world of the university... just because they were stupid what we are today! grrrrr....

i typed "grrrrr..." for 2 reasons:
---->because of what i am talking about
---->because of how i talk about it-- sooo barok my ingles is!!!

we tried to find our assigned rooms there at palma...mine, kate's and leo's...but we couldn't figure out why leo's room number has 4 digits when all of the rooms at the building have 3-digit numbers only. we tried to ask the guard and unfortunately, he can't figure it out as well. hayyy... (hmm.. teka, english-speaking ako ngaun..) sighh... (hehehe) but then through god's blessing of wisdom, we found out that the four-digit rooms are located in the pavilions... hmmm...

walking around a buildingfull of college people is quite traumatic for me. why? it's as if they already know what to do with their life, as if they know themselves better than i do. they have friends that they stick around with, they already memorized the difference between ikot and toki routes, they have already experienced a lot of things i am dreading right now...honestly, if i can skip my first day, i will. i want to walk inside my first college class confident that i know where i am going, that i know where to sit and most of all, i know who i am.

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